


Radiation oncology uses high-energy radiation to destroy / damage the DNA of cancer cells. This stops their process of division and growth. Radiation is emitted…

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Organ Transplantation

Organ Transplantation

This is a surgical procedure in which healthy organs such as the kidney, heart, liver, lungs, intestines, pancreas, uterus, and thoracic glands are removed from…

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IVF (Tube Baby)

IVF (Tube Baby)

Many couples want to be parents, but fertility issues prevent them from becoming parents. AKD Medical helps you realize your dream of becoming a parent…

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Orthopedics and Robotic Prosthesis Surgery

Orthopedics and Robotic Prosthesis Surgery

Our doctors use robotic hip replacement to treat conditions that cause hip dysplasia, rheumatoid arthritis, developmental hip dysplasia, hip collision syndrome…

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Cardiovascular Surgery

Cardiovascular Surgery

Cardiac surgery, or cardiovascular surgery, is surgery on the heart or large blood vessels performed by a heart surgeon. Commonly used to treat complications of…

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Ear Nose and Throat (ENT)

Ear Nose and Throat (ENT)

Ear Diseases Acute otitis media Earache treatment Ear discharge Ear tube Hearing loss Myringoplasty Otitis externa Otitis media Otosclerosis Serumen Tinnitus…

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General Surgery

General Surgery

Appendectomy colon surgery dıgestıve tract gallbladder surgery gerd surgery endocrıne surgery esophageal surgery exploratory laparotomy hernıa…

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Eye Treatments

Eye Treatments

Eye surgery has been able to correct a variety of visual impairments. Turkish ophthalmologists and ophthalmologists use state-of-the-art techniques for…

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Severe toothaches can cause great discomfort and interfere with normal daily activities. You may have gum bleeding, but don’t worry, you may think it’s a…

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Obesity Surgery

Obesity Surgery

Gastric bypass surgery and other weight loss surgery (commonly known as obesity surgery) modify the digestive system to lose weight. Obesity surgery is…

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Hair Transplantation

Hair Transplantation

Did you notice that your hair started to fall out? you are not alone. Many people experience hair loss at different levels. Hair loss in…

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