Hair Transplantation

Hair Transplantation

Did you notice that your hair started to fall out? you are not alone. Many people experience hair loss at different levels.
Hair loss in men is primarily due to hormonal imbalances, stress, and genetic factors, but hair loss in women usually begins during pregnancy or at the beginning of menopause.
You may have heard or tried many different hair loss treatments. But they didn’t fix your hair loss.
Hair may be lost due to hormonal imbalance, stress, vitamin deficiency, or other factors. Whatever the reason; you have a hair loss problem and are looking for a permanent solution as soon as possible. At
AKD Medical, we believe that everyone needs to treat the problem of hair loss.
The painless hair transplant procedure consists of four steps.
Stage 1; Pre-anesthesia and anesthesia; Surgery under local anesthesia to avoid discomfort.
To improve comfort more than usual. Pre-anesthesia is performed so that you do not feel pain at the start of local anesthesia.
Stage 2; Hair Extraction; Doctors extract follicles one by one with a micromotor. Thanks to the new FUE extraction technology, it is a scarless part of the procedure.
Stage 3; open a channel. This part is the most important part of the flocking procedure. Your doctor will make a small intervention on your bald area. These starts are called channels. Canal angle and density are the most important factors in determining the final result.
Stage 4; Transplant the follicle; The doctor will transplant the follicle into the channel that is already open in stage 3.
After these four stages, bandage and go to the hotel and take a break.
After the holidays, go to the hospital again to wash your hair and remove the bandages.
After this phase you can happily return to your country!
If you have a hair loss problem and are looking for a permanent solution.
Contact us anytime!